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Words Per Minute

A short video with performance inspired by doing office work as a temp. During these jobs I often thought that I could have become a great pianist if I had spent the equivalent amount of time practising the piano instead of data entry on a computer keyboard. Like learning to play the piano with two hands, touch-typing engages muscle memory and a reflex that seems to bypass the conscious mind. 

This video comprises a stop-frame animation of 'The Typist' which I made in 2011, and a performance to camera from 2022. In the performance I become The Typist. The computer keyboard is connected by wooden rods to a musical keyboard, and as The Typist enters  data, it creates a random array of notes composing cacophonous song. 

Performance and Stop-motion animation


All rights to reproduce and use all artworks by Kathryn Mason are  fully retained by the artist. 

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